Tuesday, March 29, 2011

David update

David and I had our regularly scheduled Dr. Butler meeting today. He is VERY pleased with how well David is progressing through the radiation treatments! Only 7 more and we are done! Mark it down, Thursday April 7th!

Allergies and fatigue are the only problems he is experiencing. I make him take a 2 hour nap every day, the dry hacking cough is getting out of control, keeping him awake at night. Last Friday the doctor gave him a prescription for something that in my opinion didn't work. Today they gave him codeine, hope it takes care of the cough. Weight is the same, blood pressure is great, no burning, no problems....feel VERY blessed! They have not done any additional white blood cell testing.

Not much of a update, but David is doing so good there is not much to report!
Love to all, thanks for the prayers, phone calls and cards.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dancin' the Irish Jig!

May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
~Irish Blessing

I waited until today to do the weekly doctor update, not just because I'm Irish and like St. Patrick's Day but because today marks the HALF WAY MARK! David is officially 1/2 the way to completing the radiation treatments! 
Dr. Butler was out of the office Tuesday so we saw Dr. Grant. We had been told they might "add" sessions to the end of the treatment plan. I ask when they would make that decision, I was told by Dr. Grant that he thought Dr. Butler had already decided NO ADDITIONAL SESSIONS! (Needs to be confirmed next Tuesday with Butler)
The fatigue is about the same, David takes a nap everyday and can function okay. No pain, no other issues, no weight gain or loss. 
Spring Break was this week and we got to see kids and grandkids. We took Addy to the Woodlands to listen to music, and had a 1st Birthday party for Sophie. Billy went to treatment with David on Monday...regular stuff. Felt very good!
No blood work this week, but he will have a white cell count test next week.
Thanks again for all the cards, calls and prayers. Love you all.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

White blood cell count

We met with Dr. Butler today for the weekly check up, they had done blood work last week to check the white blood cell count. White cells fight infection, he didn't give us the number, but told us they were good. David is doing fine, played a round of golf this week and last. He is starting to feel some fatigue, it is to be expected, and so far the only problem he is having. Today was the 10th treatment, and since we are shooting for a total of 32 that means he is about 1/3 of the way through.
Sarah came down last week and went with her dad to the Friday session. The nurses took her in the room and explained the machine and treatments to her. Jennifer and the kids are coming down this weekend, they are going to spend spring break here and at her parents. Billy just called, they are coming down Sunday for a couple of days. The cards and phone calls are great moral boosters, and the prayers are a wonderful comfort to us both. It only takes looking around the waiting room to know how blessed we are.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dr. Butler meeting today

Every Tuesday after treatment David and I will meet with Dr. Butler to talk about how the week has been for him. Today was the first of those meetings, and we found out the number of sessions....drum roll please......32. They may add more, depends on how it looks towards the end. This was really good news because we thought it was going to be 37. So that's a WHOLE week less! David has gained one pound, and is not showing ANY signs of the radiation.
Depression is something I have been watching for, and some days I think he lets it get to him. Example: This weekend, I cleaned the garage, he was bringing me some stuff from the front porch and he saw the Christmas lights. He told me the thought crossed his mind that he may not feel up to decorating next year. And he wanted me to tell the kids he didn't want them to do it for him. Not that he won't be here to decorate, but that he won't feel like doing it. The other side of that, he is meeting with a woman he knows from work that her ex husband is dealing with 8 months of incontinence-he wants to help him by getting the guy to exercise. Depressed some days determined to help others some days.
Thanks for all the cards (Sharon, Phil, Vicki and Tuck) all the phone calls (kids and grandkids) and big thanks for all the prayers. Keep it up, I know he feels your love.